Puma™ Connector
Oil States’ Puma™ connector, designed to meet the flush O.D./I.D. needs of operators, offers a threaded, weld-on connector solution for applications where diameter restrictions preclude the use of conventional upset connections. The Puma connector is drivable and reuseable. It exceeds the pipe body yield capacities while using standard pipe grades. Installation and makeup utilize standard casing running equipment without the need for specialist threaded running tools.
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Key Features
- O.D/I.D. flush.
- Double abutment faces reduce pile-driving loads through connector threads.
- Handling is offered via elevator groove in connection box with removable load ring for standard side door elevators.
- Visual indication of makeup.
- Tested to ISO 13679.2 Cal1 with bending and pile testing.
- Jack-up or platform exploration or production drilling
- Drilled and cemented or driven conductor
- New and asset integrity of sea water, fire water and other caisson applications
- See Puma DF Connector animation here.
- Engineering
- Maintenance
- Bespoke sizing
- Testing