Oil States manufactures a full line of SMATCO™ AHTS winches and Skagit™ mooring systems, bow windlasses, capstans, tuggers, stern rollers, storage winches and sheaves for the marine industry. We design and build specialty winches and handling equipment for our customers’ unique applications. Our products can be powered by diesel, electrical and high- or low-pressure hydraulic power packages.
Our winches are designed to provide safe anchor handling, towing and mooring activities to offshore operators working in water depths ranging from a few hundred feet to over 10,000 feet (3,000M) worldwide. Oil States is the leader in designing and manufacturing deepwater mooring systems for offshore drilling vessels, pipelay and derrick barges, and floating production systems.
Related Documents
Anchor Handling Winches
Mooring Systems

Related Products
- Chain Windlasses
- Drum Winches
- Wire/Chain Systems
- Pipelay Winch System
- Hoists
- Storage Winches
- Traction Winches
- Fairleads
Key Features
- Oil States is the leader in designing and manufacturing deepwater mooring systems for offshore drilling vessels, pipelay and derrick barges, and floating production systems.
- Skagit™ mooring systems are recognized for their quality and reliability plus efficiency, safety and functionality.
- Oil States engineers design your equipment and work on site worldwide to oversee installation, maintenance and refurbishment.
- Worldwide ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturing locations and worldwide service centers.
- Proven and dependable designs.
- Drilling
- Semi-submersibles
- Marine
- Product design, engineering and development
- Worldwide repair, refurbishment and parts availability
- Custom equipment designed to customer specifications
Custom Products & Accessories

Key Features
- SCR Pull-In System.
- FPSO 7-pocket fairleads.
- Unique applications.
- On-site test facility.
- Worldwide ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturing locations and worldwide service centers.
- Tension leg & SPAR platforms
- Semi-submersibles
- Drilling
- Marine
- Product design, engineering and development
- Worldwide repair, refurbishment and parts availability
- Custom equipment designed to customer specifications
Refurbished Winches & Service

Key Features
- Worldwide parts and service provider for all marine equipment.
- Complete repair and refurbishment services.
- Authorized Braden winch, EATON Brake and Wichita Brake repair and service facilities located in Louisiana, Thailand, India and Singapore.
- Tension leg & SPAR platforms
- Semi-submersibles
- Fixed platforms
- Marine
- On-site engineering assistance
- Vast parts inventory
- Worldwide service technician availability
- Extensive refurbished equipment inventory
- Core exchange program
CoolForce™ Water Cooled Brake

Key Features
- Patented replaceable water jacket insert.
- Cost reduction on field rebuilds.
- Superior performance.
- High quality.
- Replacement parts.
- Oilfield draw works
- Marine mooring winches
- Paper rewind stands
- Metal/steel unwind stands
- Dynamometer
- Engineering design
- Application support
- Customer service
- Field sales
- Economical rebuild services